Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Oh Yeah, They're Sorry !

The LTTE have expressed regret over the killing of Rajiv Gandhi and have called upon India to start a new chapter in our relationship with the Tigers.

My foot, I say. Murderers do not deserve pardon nor do they have the right to regret IMO. Now when they realize they are helpless and need India's help they have come out with this facade. It would be a good idea to ask them to get lost.


Anonymous said...

One must realize the context in which this assassination happened. There was a war between IPKF and the LTTE at that time in which more than 5000 Tamil civilians were killed. About 2000 Tamil women were raped.

Gaurav said...

I appreciate your point of view, Anonymous would appreciate it even more if you left you name in the comment but I still believe that two wrongs do not a right make.