Wednesday, February 23, 2005

An Absolute Honour

On Sunday, we celebrated Cultural Diversity Day here at the University. While the name may suggest a solemn, educational event where several cultures interact, in reality most organisations use this as a tool for making money by setting up stalls that sell food, items etc. etc. which bear some link to the country/culture they represent.

Be that as it may, it provided me with a memorable experience. I was called upon to get the India Flag which is hosted at the Language Media Center to the venue. Initially I thought of it as just another assignment in my capacity as a board member. Once I got there and lifted the tricolour however I realised what a big responsibility and an honour that is. No wonder it is such a prestige issue at the Olympics as to who should hold the flag.

For those who still think I am making a big deal out of a rather simple chore, Id suggest they try it for themselves.

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