Saturday, February 17, 2007

Orkut Friends

I realize that Orkut puts on your homepage profiles of your friends who have most recently logged in, but like 99% of the time most of these are those you hardly ever want to interact with. I mean it is such an annoyance, I would like to see the face of my good friend when I log in, but all I get is some random acquaintance; who I haven't seen in years, who I am not going to and don't want to see or interact with for a long time to come. Seriously, this social networking site needs to do some thinking as to what the user expectations are and whether they are being satisfied. Or maybe, I am just using it wrong. I wonder whether the "Rank your friends" feature which I have never touched so far, works to alleviate the problem.


AMOD said...

Hi Gaurav,

I agree with most of your blogs but fail to agree with your thoughts, particularly on this blog.

Infact, I have found many lost friends from my childhood days in Shillong, of which I wouldnt have even thought of, but thanks to orkut!!!
You are right that most of them, we may not have been in contact at all, but remember, as they say, the world is a small place, who knows the friend you are in least contact with may in future be the one to help you most!!
So, I have adopted a policy of getting together with as many friends/people who I may have been remotely or closely associated with
So, no hard feelings here.....
its just my thought on urs:):):)


Amod Natu

M said...

then why are such ppl in your friends list??