Sunday, October 16, 2005


I am worried that I might lose my writing skills forever. By writing, more precisely I mean handwriting. In this era of the WWW who has the time or will to take a pen and paper and write ? Well, even if one decides to take the effort he is going to be the loser as he will be spending extra time and effort reproducing that in print again. Unless some one is willing to employ specialist typists for every little piece he writes ...

I do believe this is a great tragedy of the modern era. Surely, we agree on the importance of getting children acquainted with computers at an early age via courses in school but I don't think the day is too far when kids will not know what "hand-writing" refers to.

And there is more loss than one can immediately perceive. Handwriting is universally accepted as reflecting the character of a person. There is no need for me to go into details of this. Handwriting breeds of individuality - the lovely curly one, the straight clear yet not-very-beautiful one, the childish flabby one, the completely incomprehensible rubbish - all of these reflect different types of personalities. Hell, it is not for nothing that we used to have hand-writing contests and prizes for the best hand-writing in school in those good old days. What individuality does the typed word signify ? Reading this post, does it indicate in any way what kind of a person I am ? (Of course I do believe that reading emails and conversations a person does develop a certain style and it is reasonably possible for me to identify the sender/chatter based on the type of net-language used ... (for eg someone may be one to say 'yeh' one may say 'hi' etc) ... but that's not quite the same is it ?)

And most frighteningly, I do not see any really feasible solution. Any ideas ?

1 comment:

Vivek said...